Berke Ptosis Forceps


Product Code: FS5-1105

20mm Jaws

Overall Length: 99mm

Product Code: FS5-1106

27mm Jaws

Overall Length: 101mm

SKU: FS5-1105 & FS5-1106 Categories: , Tags: , , , ,

Berke Ptosis Forceps FS5-1015 and FS5-1016 are surgical instruments commonly used in ophthalmology for the correction of ptosis, which is the drooping or sagging of the upper eyelid.

The FS5-1015 variation of Berke Ptosis Forceps features 20mm jaws and an overall length of 99mm. On the other hand, the FS5-1016 variation has 27mm jaws and an overall length of 101mm.

These forceps are specifically designed for grasping and manipulating the eyelid tissue during ptosis correction procedures. The jaws of the forceps allow surgeons to securely hold and reposition the tissues to achieve the desired eyelid height and contour.

Berke Ptosis Forceps are valued for their ability to provide precise control and manipulation of the eyelid, ensuring accurate correction of ptosis and achieving optimal aesthetic and functional outcomes.

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